Join our Mission

All Communicants of this Church who for the previous year have been faithful in corporate worship, unless for good cause prevented, and have been faithful in working, praying, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God, are to be considered communicants in good standing.

- Canons of The Episcopal Church

The Church of the Messiah affirms this statement with the understanding that at baptism, we are called into full involvement in the community of faith, through our presence, our participation, and our pledge.



We believe that worship is at the center of our life as a Christian community. Each Sunday we are called to gather in God’s name, proclaim and respond to the Word of God, pray for the world and for the Church, exchange the peace, break bread, share the gifts of God, and join in fellowship. It is through our presence, gathered in the community of faith, that we begin to live out our call as Christians and our membership in this community.



We believe that being part of a community of faith involves a commitment to live out our baptismal vows. Each Sunday we are called to “go in peace, to love and serve the Lord.” This is a call to participate, through outreach and involvement in the life of the parish and in the community beyond. Through participation, we gradually come to understand our gifts and offer them to God and to God’s people everywhere.



We believe in a generous God who gives us time, abilities, and material resources, and who calls us to share these gifts in many ways, including financial support for the ministry of Jesus Christ through the Church of the Messiah and the wider Church. We are called to give to God from what has been given to us, to support the mission and ministry of this community of faith and the wider community. Members are asked to commit to this support through an annual pledge.



If you have previously been confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church, you may become a communicant of the Church of the Messiah by personally contacting your previous church to request that they send a letter of transfer to the Church of the Messiah. The Vicar or Registrar (Sharon Williams) can provide the address of your previous parish if needed.  If desired, you may ask our Registrar to contact your former church.

Adults, who are not members of the Episcopal Church, may choose to become part of the Episcopal Church through confirmation or reception.